Welcome to The Void Podcasts
Welcome to The Void. Most people refer to starting their own business as “Taking the leap” as if they are blindly jumping off off a cliff and into the unknown. We’re here so show you that it doesn’t have to be that way. Join your hosts, Mitch and David, in finally putting your dreams of owning your own business into motion! We’ve very recently been where you are so that makes us perfect mentors for you. We know what you’re going through. We were just there.
You’ll need to prepare your personal finances for transitioning to becoming self-employed. Banks will look at you differently when you’re newly self-employed so you’ll need to be prepared.
In this episode, we’ll discuss how to build the budget for your start-up expenses. A good budget is key to understanding how much it will cost to get things going.
In this episode, we’ll discuss how to build your pricing book. We’ll also discuss how to select a great customer relationship management system (CRM).
In this episode, we’ll discuss your bookkeeping software and some great banking practices. These two systems are key pieces to your businesses future success or failure.
In this episode, we’ll discuss the differences between an LLC or an S-Corp. Once you understand the differences between them, you’ll be able to select the status that will work best for you.
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